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Privacy policy

Updated: 04/01/2021

1. Introduction

Trauma Therapy Manchester is committed to protecting your personal information. Our Privacy Policy gives you information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it secure. The information you share with us will enable us to provide appropriate and safe practices such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Trauma Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Massage and any other services which may in the future be offered. It also enables us to stay in touch with you about changes to classes or services you are already using or might wish to join. Trauma Therapy Manchester is run by Susi Wrenshaw, a sole trader registered as Self Employed. Susi Wrenshaw is the data controller of your personal information. If you have any questions regarding your information or its use please contact Susi Wrenshaw: 07944 856640


This policy will be available for you to read online and a paper copy will be available to read whenever you are asked to provide your personal information ie when joining a yoga class, joining a mailing list, attending a workshop or accessing any of our other services which may change from time to time. This policy is currently only available in written English format. If you require any other type of format please let us know and we will do our best to help you to access this information.


Although it is not compulsory to provide the information requested, if you choose not to, we may not be able to provide you with the services that we offer for your own safety and the safety of others.


2. How we collect your personal information


You provide your personal information during interactions with us. These are the occasions we have to collect your personal information:

1.     joining a class / individual therapy service / mentoring services / course / workshop / retreat and filling in a registration form or providing verbal information about your health status and any changes

2.     registration form / health form / email enquiry / phone call about one to one services

3.     signing up to the mailing list either via the form at or by requesting to join via email, in person or on a written sign-up sheet where you have written your details

4.     when you provide a review in writing either on paper or electronically via email, facebook, what's app, instagram, twitter, youtube, survey monkey

5.     when you sign up and pay for a course through our website which uses PayPal

6.     if you are a yoga teacher who is covering a class on behalf of Trauma Therapy Manchester


3. The type of information we collect


We only collect the information we consider relevant to carry out our business, keep you informed or services you may be interested in and provide the services you have requested in a safe, appropriate and professional manner. There are occasions where you may choose not to provide us with certain information which may mean we are unable to provide you with a service. For example we cannot teach you in a yoga class if you do not tell us about your health. We cannot accept you as a therapy client if you do not provide details of your GP as this is a safeguarding issue and is there for your protection and the safety of others.


The type of information we collect depends on the reason and context for our interaction.


Information we obtain directly from you:


When you use any of our services we will ask for the relevant information for that service which may include:

·        Name, contact details, emergency contact, GP details

·        Date of birth and age

·        Occupation

·        Whether you wish to join our mailing list

·        Medical history and current health information

·        Family history

·        Relationships and social support

·        Social history eg diet and lifestyle

·        Background information, as relevant

·        Payment information - who is funding the treatment

·        Your goals for the service

·        Subcontractors only: your invoice information


We only share this information in the case of a serious concern relating to your welfare or someone else's welfare or if required to by law. We will always attempt to inform you of this first and only to share the information with those people or organisations deemed essential eg your doctor.


Details shared with third parties


We do not share your details with any other parties than those directly involved in providing and supporting our services.


Third parties who we currently share your data with are:


·        Mailchimp which is an online service which holds our mailing list and provides templates to send emails.

·        Acuity scheduling – the online booking system.

·        Inquiries from the public if you are a yoga teacher or therapist who has requested to go on our referrals database – we will share only the information you have directly provided for this purpose. It is your responsibility to keep it up to date and request removal from the database if desired.

·        HMRC receives statistical information about payments and other financial interactions we have.

·        Clinical supervisors or peer supervision groups may discuss you anonymously in order to provide the best possible care for you and others who may learn from your case.


Data hygiene


We will update your information when we become aware of changes to your details. This includes updating your records with recent changes to health or contact details.

In each appointment confirmation email you can follow the link to update your information on the booking system.


4. Why we collect your personal data and how we use it.


To carry out our business and provide or offer a service to you. To fulfil requests for our services and to process payments. We do not store any credit card or other payment information. All credit / debit / online transactions are carried out via third party organisations including your own bank and PayPal. If you have any queries about how these organisations process your information you should contact your bank directly and/or read PayPal's privacy policy:


To keep our database accurate and relevant.


To provide safe and appropriate services for you. In extreme and/or rare cases, to provide the minimum amount of information necessary to your doctor or emergency services protect you or others from harm or death. To assist in any enquiries relating to these events. We do not provide any of your information to family, friends or other organisations unless legally required to do so or if you directly request that we do so. In which case we will only provide the required information which you will also receive a copy of if in written format and if requested. Please note there may be additional charges for this.


We may use your information to contact you regarding important information relating to the services you have requested such as confirming the booking, providing arrival and preparation details, sending course materials like videos, audio and other supporting materials, letting you know about things that may affect your service and replying to contact you make with us.


If we have your permission, we may also contact you about related services you may be interested in, news items, ways to support us and ways we can better support you.


For assistants, we may request details of your contact details, qualifications, insurance and financial information in order to engage you in this role.


5. How we handle your information


Trauma Therapy Manchester will never share, sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent.


Information will only be shared when legally required or when your or someone else's life may be at risk or in the case of children or vulnerable adults being at risk of harm.


Information may be collected from you verbally, manually on a written form in person or by post, via a webform, through social media or via email.


Verbal information may be recorded on paper.


All paper records are stored at the business premises of Susi Wrenshaw under the guidelines of the National Occupational Standards guidelines. This means your records are stored in a locked filing cabinet. If the records are needed outside of this property, they are transported in a case with a combination lock. Transportation of documents is kept to a minimum i.e., only when they are needed for an appointment or for a clinical supervision session. Records are required to be kept for 7 years after which point, they will be securely and confidentially disposed of.


Information stored on computer is limited to registration forms, notes from your sessions, email correspondence, preparation documents and treatment plans. These are given a code number and do not contain your personal information eg full name or date of birth.


Occasionally you may be asked for permission to record one of our sessions for my professional development. You have the right to refuse. If you agree, this will be stored on a Dictaphone and deleted as soon as it has served its purpose. Until then it will be stored in the locked box with your files.


Despite all our precautions no data transmission over the internet is 100% secure so we cannot guarantee the security of information you disclose to us and wish to draw your attention to the fact that you do this at your own risk when corresponding by email. There is always the alternative to provide this information via telephone or for registration forms and other longer pieces of information you can post these to us.


We will keep your information only for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy notice and to fulfil our legal obligations. We will not keep more information than we need. The retention period will vary according to the purpose, for example if you sign up to our mailing list we will contact you every 2 years to check you are still happy to be subscribed to the list. If you do not resubscribe after a period of 3 months we will send you a final reminder after this period. If you do not resubscribe after a month of receiving the final reminder your details will be deleted or anonymised. You can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our Newsletters or by contacting For further information about how long we will keep your information, please contact the Susi Wrenshaw 07944 856640. If you ask us to stop sending direct email communications to you, we will keep the minimum amount of information (e.g. name, email address, request to remove you) to ensure we adhere with such requests.


The electronic registration forms are held online by Acuity Scheduling so that you can log in to your account and update them at any time. All health information and clinical notes are required to be kept for 7 years. After 7 years your information will be securely and confidentially disposed of.


If you apply for our services but do not attend or take up your appointments within 6 months then we will securely destroy all copies of your information.


Trauma Therapy Manchester and Susi Wrenshaw may interact with you through USA organisations such as Facebook, Google, Twitter or Instagram. The USA has different, weaker data protection laws than that of the EU. You can view how they handle your data by visiting these pages below:


Acuity Scheduling privacy policy

Mailchimp privacy policy

Facebook privacy policy

Google privacy policy

Twitter privacy policy

Instagram privacy policy

Please let us know if any of these links do not work.

6. Your choices


You should find it easy to access and amend the personal information that we hold on you, or request that we stop contacting you. It’s your data and we want to make sure you feel in control of it. If you have registered through our website / mailchimp you can amend your personal details and email contact preferences at any time by clicking the link ‘update subscription preferences’ at the bottom of our newsletter or by contacting If you would like to see what personal information we hold about you, you can request full details under the Data Protection Act 1998, or after 25 May 2018, The General Data Protection Regulation, by contacting Susi Wrenshaw. Please send a description of the information you would like to see, together with proof of your identity to We may need to contact you to confirm or clarify this request. At any time you have the right to ask Trauma Therapy Manchester to amend or stop how it uses your personal information including for marketing purposes.


If you would like us to remove the personal information we hold about you, please contact us You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, The Information Commissioner’s Office –


7. Updates or changes to the privacy policy


This notice was first updated on 10 May 2018. The most recent update was made on 4 January 2021. It may be updated to take into account changes at Trauma Therapy Manchester or to reflect changes to regulation or legislation. Updates to this policy will be posted on this page – please check back from time to time.


Policy updated 04/01/2021

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©2013 Trauma Therapy Manchester

Susi Wrenshaw is registered as a Yoga Therapist with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. The CNHC is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) is the independent government-appointed body that oversees and scrutinises the work of the nine statutory medical, health and care regulators. These include the General Medical Council (GMC), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). Since March 2012 the Professional Standards Authority has also been able to accredit registers of health and care occupations that are not regulated by law and CNHC has successfully completed this process.

“Both the Government and the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) recommend that when a patient or service user chooses to visit a health or care practitioner who is unregulated, only those on an accredited register are consulted”. (Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health, November 2015).


General Medical Council guidance to doctors confirms they can refer patients to practitioners on Accredited Registers, such as CNHC.

Information on this website is for information only and is no substitute for medical advice.

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